
The Definition of Fascism (according to the so-called "Anti-Fascists")

To "Anti-Fascists," what fascism means is not easily defined, an almost accidental occurrence, and instead requires noticing one or more traits they assign to fascism. The TL;DR is that "Anti-Fascists" define fascism as cis-het white male capitalistic civil libertarian patriarchy. Yes, really, that word soup is the gist of it. This is why you probably have been confused as to why these "Anti-Fascists" have been violently targeting certain people where you thought there was no justification.

If you don't want your country to be flooded by any non-majority group of people who are then given the right to vote, will vote collectively for their own interests, and will grow to become the new majority of your country replacing the population of every major city then creeping outward then you are a fascist.

If you want your country to have a military to protect itself against other foreign threats, then you're a fascist. If you think borders should exist, walls between countries should exist, or that countries should exist then you are a fascist.

If you want local law enforcement to exist in order to respond to crime, then you're a fascist.

If you think demographics are destiny, that the people living in a country determine the qualities of the country, if you notice that importing the 3rd world makes a 1st world country 3rd world where the new population congregates then you are a fascist. If you want people to peacefully exist within their own groups then you are a fascist. If you think high-trust societies like Japan are good then you are a fascist. If you mourn the West losing its high-trust societies in favor of diversity, then you are a fascist.

If you are a masculine male then you are a fascist. If you are a woman who loves masculine males then you are fascist. If you believe that men and women biologically exist then you are a fascist.

If you are pro-capitalism, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, anti-Communist, anti-socialist, anti-authoritarian, then you are a fascist. If you think people should be free to make, sell, and buy whatever widgets they want then you are a fascist. If you want the freedom to say whatever you want, then you are a fascist. If you want to be left alone and not interfered with then you are a fascist. If you think idealistic ideologies will always inevitably devolve into dictatorships due to human weakness and so should be avoided in favor of the best systems which have been shown to uplift humanity then you are a fascist. If you recognize that socialism is prison and that the only way to punish someone already in prison is to kill them then you are a fascist.

If you believe that humans evolved as animals in unique areas of the world for long enough periods of time to develop meaningful group traits that can make them have generally exceptional abilities in different ways relative to what constraints their historically local environments selected for then you are a fascist. If you don't think that all behavior is socially constructed and not informed by biology, then you are a fascist. If you think IQ should matter when importing people from other countries then you are a fascist.

If you think it's not ideal that a minority of tribal people have an over-representative amount of power in your country's media and politics, then you are a fascist. If you think it's wrong that one group of people say they belong to your group while they demean and attack your group while otherwise they claim they belong to their true group then you are a fascist.

So, if any of these are true to you, then congratulations, you are a fascist! You are a fascist based on how "Anti-Fascists" define their opposition. Now you know why they call the people who fought and defeated Germany, Japan, and Italy in World War II fascists if not outright Nazis. Now you know that to "Anti-Fascists" you are the ultimate evil. You are the kind of person "Anti-Fascists" want dead. You are their eternal enemy no matter if you consider them your enemy or not. When they talk about "a rise in fascism" they are talking about people who disagree with them, who oppose them even if they are not aware of what the "Anti-Fascists" are for.

When the new killing fields come you are who "Anti-Fascists" want six feet under. But don't think it will just be the "fascists" put into the mass graves during the great purges if these "Anti-Fascists" ever are allowed to gain power. Oh, no! Liberals get the bullet too. Because "Anti-Fascists" view liberals as enabling fascism. And, really, don't expect them to stop at liberals either. They've got a long list of people who think incorrectly, who will be labeled as evil one way or another, and thus, moral to eliminate.

Knowing this, it is very important that you always remember who these people are and to never allow them to gain power over you unless you want you, your family, and your people to be killed by them.

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